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Laughing Gas

Laughing Gas

Written by Jenny Brooks Inside illustrations by Angela Brooks, digitalised and placed by Abigail Rudge. Front cover designed and made by Abigail Rudge (2018)



Nurse 1

Nurse 1

Designed and made by Abigail Rudge (2018)

1st Nurse design, Rushing to Surgery

1st Nurse design, Rushing to Surgery

Designed and made by Abigail Rudge (2018)

Lungs in a Bin

Lungs in a Bin

Designed by Angela Brooks, Digitalised by Abigail Rudge, Directed by Jenny Brooks (2018)

Hospital Bed

Hospital Bed

Designed and made by Abigail Rudge (2018)

Teddy has Stitches

Teddy has Stitches

Designed by Angela Brooks, Digitalised by Abigail Rudge, Directed by Jenny Brooks (2018)

Confused/ Disgusted Face

Confused/ Disgusted Face

Picture of Jensen Ackles Copied/ Reformed into Illustration by Abigail Rudge (2018)

Silent Conversation, After Surgery

Silent Conversation, After Surgery

Directed/ Designed by Jenny Brooks, Made by Abigail Rudge

Childrens painting

Childrens painting

Designed by Angela Brooks, Digitalised by Abigail Rudge, Directed by Jenny Brooks (2018)

Ambulance Ramp

Ambulance Ramp

Designed and made by Abigail Rudge (2018)

Picuing Duck

Picuing Duck

Designed by Angela Brooks, Digitalised by Abigail Rudge, Directed by Jenny Brooks (2018)

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Jenny Brooks

Jenny Brooks


Writer of Laughing Gas.A humorous book about a boy who makes his way through a lung transplant.The book highlights the humor in the darkest and scariest of times. It has a heart warming and refreshing view from a diverse perspective and understanding. The book is almost guaranteed to make you laugh at some point!

Click here and        check out her website!

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